Saturday, October 5, 2013

Animal Man TPB Vol 1 : The Hunt

Dad digs Buddy Baker and Animal Man.

Dad also sees a great deal of both Pagan and Christian symbolism in the comic.

Patrick and Dad discuss how this is not really a traditional superhero comic and could really fit into the genre of horror.

Patrick stands up for blue collar super hero types

Patrick teaches Dad about panel layout and everything comic book wise suddenly becomes more clear to Dad.

Patrick tells Dad about a woman from work who was scared of the podcast.  Dad laughs at her and explains what he has learned about comics.

Dad revels he reads Patrick's comics on the toilet and promises not to get fecal matter all over them.

Dad laughs at Patrick for crying at music and Starman comics.

Treat is a collection of cookies from East Detroit Bakery including Dad's favorite chocolate gingerbread men.

Next week Starman 

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