Sunday, January 31, 2016

EP 138: Batman Earth One

Dad gets a different take on his favorite superhero Batman, with Geoff Johns and Gary Frank’s alternate take on Batman in Earth One

Patrick once again attempts to explain the multiverse to Dad and DC publishing.  

Dad wants to know if Batman is a really a superhero?  

Patrick blathers on with some crazy theories about citites and human nature. Dad listens and wants cake once a month.

Patrick wraps things up by attempting to explain publishing and define a graphic novel.  

Sunday, January 24, 2016

EP 137: Sandman Mystery Theatre

Listener request month bangs on with a listener Josh’s suggestion of Sandman Mystery Theatre.  

First Dad is exposed to some upcoming comic book film trailers of Batman Vs Superman and Suicide Squad. 

Dad watched and loved Marvel Lego Heroes and demands that Patrick take him to see comic book films this spring and summer. 

Patrick explains the Vertigo comic imprint concept to Dad, and laments the “Vertigo Artstyle” of the 1990’s. 

Dad and Patrick love Matt Wagner’s creepy Sandman world and dark noir style.   

Next Week: Batman Earth One

Sunday, January 17, 2016

EP 136: Asterios Polyp

A bunch of emails are read and Dad wants to go into international news and geopolitics talk.

Did Patrick and Dad just read a romance comic?  

Asterios Polyp from cartoonist David Mazzuchelli is discussed in depth thanks to listener suggestion via AR from Australia. 

Dad and Patrick spoil the hell out of the book as they breakdown the breathtaking mixture of narrative and design.  

Snack this week is Canadian Cocoa and milk chocolate Kit Kat Bars

Next Week : Sandman Mystery Theatre.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

EP 135: Sin City Vol 1

Frank Miller’s Sin City Listener request month continues with a suggestion from long time listener and prolific emailer Juan.   

Dad is in love with Frank Miller’s artwork from the 1990’s. 

 Turns out Dad my be a black and white comic snob and Patrick is just a snob. 

Dad gets a breakdown of how Dark Horse Presents was an anthology that spawned series like Sin City, and Hellboy.  

Snow and winter is hated on and Dad eats a Wunderbar as a the treat of the week. 

Next Week : Listener AR’s request of Asterios Polyp   

Friday, January 8, 2016

EP 134: Astro City Vol 1

Listener Request Month begins with some pain with this week's selection from Bill of The Great Albums podcast.

One of those mass confusion episodes ensues in which Dad only understands 2/3 of the first trade of Astro City: Life in the Big City

Patrick attempts to explain to Dad how Kurt Buisek , Brent Anderson, and Alex Ross constructed the comic as a love letter to all their favorite tropes, and concepts in the genre of superhero fiction. 

Dad's take was this universe was the result of some 35th century post apocalyptic world in which the Samaritan arrived to save mankind.....

Yet both father and son can agree the concepts are deep and Anderson's artwork is strikingly detailed enough to keep you glued to the pages.

Next Week :  Listener Juan from Texas finally gets Dad to read Sin City